Quarry Hill has been feeding birds for years as part of its bird banding education and research program. This has established a community of birds that visit the feeders daily. We recently re-captured a chickadee that was first banded at Quarry Hill in 2014!
During winter the feeders are especially busy and the birds are especially beautiful against the white snow. Quarry Hill adult members are invited to a special viewing time in the bird observation room before the Nature Center opens to the public. In this quieter setting, you can expect to see woodpeckers, chickadees, juncos, nuthatches and perhaps less common visitors like purple finches, pine siskins and brown creepers.
Bring your bird questions and your own observations to share, but no experience is necessary!
Experienced bird watching enthusiast, Jenny Doty, will host each morning, beginning with a brief discussion topic. The remaining time will be spent enjoying the birds.
Space is limited.
by phone: (507) 328-3950
by email: quarryhill@QHNC.org
Choose one date or several.
January 14: Unraveling the Bird Seed Aisle - Seeds and Feeders
January 21: Attracting Birds to Spaces: More than Seed
January 28: USGS & Bird Banding at Quarry Hill
February 4: Movements & Marks - ID Basics
February 11: Backyard & Beyond - Binoculars & Scopes
February 18: The Cornell Lab Feederwatch & Ebird Basics